
Let me introduce you to Nehemiah!

This is a story about a generation of people who changed the direction of the nation.

So let me ask you. What will this generation do???

Thanks for taking this journey with us. Celebrate 40 days of prayer.

May God bless us as we keep growing

The joy of the Lord is my strength

Fall 2023 Plan

Click on the links as they become available this fall.


Take a deeper personal dive into Nehemiah.


Click on the links as they become available this fall. 〰️ Take a deeper personal dive into Nehemiah. 〰️

September 17

September 24


Nehemiah 1:4-11


Nehemiah 2:1-8

October 1

October 8


Nehemiah 3


Nehemiah (ch 2-6)


Nehemiah (ch 2-6)


Nehemiah 8

September 10

September 13 - October 22

Ask & Care

Nehemiah 1:1-4

October 15

October 22

  • His job was to taste in case of poison. How fun is that? He had a killer job, don’t ya think?

  • In the Hebrew Bible, Ezra and Nehemiah are one book. In some ways, Nehemiah is Ezra II.

  • When Nehemiah is asking permission to build the wall, he is asking the same king who stopped the building in Jerusalem. (King Artaxerxes)


A Brief History Before

In Exodus, we read that God led Israel out of Egypt Israel is sometimes faithful but not at other times as shown through Judges and Kings. In 606 BC, Babylon captures and carries away many from Israel. There are three returns back to Israel. The first was in 536 BC led by Zerubbabel. About 50,000 returned and the emphasis was on rebuilding the Temple. (see Haggai - Zechariah). The second return was in 457 BC led by Ezra with about 1,800 returning at that point. The emphasis was on the people and the Law. The third return was in 444 BC and this was led by none other than our poison-protector hero Nehemiah. This emphasis was on the walls and protection as well as rebuilding lives.

Context: see Nehemiah 1:3-4

The city is still in ruins

The people are defenseless

The people are discouraged

Why Nehemiah?


He was not a contractor, military leader, or priest. He didn’t have Samson’s strength, Solomon’s wisdom, or the army of Israel. What he did have was God. What else was needed?