When the opportunity came, Nehemiah was ready because he had already been dreaming and planning. Praying, and having dreams/plans placed on your heart, are connected.
Think about the not-sad/sad situation in verses 1-2. How good are you at noticing when people are sad but trying to hide it?
What is making you sad right now? It will be healing if you can share it with someone.
What is God putting on your heart for yourself?
(Verse 2) When has God used your weakness to help a person or situation?
If you had a chance, what would you improve about the world around you?
Don’t complain! But rather, see opportunities to make a difference.
(Verse 4) How can we develop a natural reaction of prayer whenever an opportunity or problem arises?
Which of these requests from Nehemiah surprises you more and why? What is the significance of each one?
Kept praying for 4 months
Send me
Give me materials to build the wall
Give me materials to build my house
I’ll be gone 3 years
Give me letters of safety
How have you seen this in your life?

When looking at your plans/dream, did you pray big enough?
S cripture :
Nehemiah 2
Verse 1-2 Sometimes you can’t hide your hurt and pain. That’s ok
Verse 2 God used his ‘weakness’ (what he couldn’t hide) to solve the problem
Verse 12 It’s natural that God put something on his heart. What else would you expect after praying for four months
O bservation :
I want my prayer life to be as natural as Nehemiah in verse 4. Whatever happens leads to, “So, I prayed”. I wonder, how would I answer the king’s question if I had the opportunity? And in verse 8 the king said yes to these 'ridiculous' requests of Nehemiah’s. Why? Because of God. (Verse 9) God often gives more than we ask for, especially when we pray big (Ephesians 3:20).
A couple of other things I observed were in verses 10 and 19. There are always people who will complain. And in verse 20, he replied with God - God will...
A pplication :
What would I like to see happen at this church? Keep asking till I know an answer.
Think BIG. Pray BIG