It begins with asking (Nehemiah 1:2) what is going on outside of you and then caring about people who are hurting in some way, especially those without Jesus.
ASK yourself
What do you already know about Nehemiah?
What bothers you about the world? What touches your heart?
Are you just complaining about it and being critical or are you praying about it and trying to change it?
What is the last thing you cried about? Prayed about?
and CARE
Choose someone in your life this week and be intentional about asking about their needs and challenges and then listen to what they have to say. Who did you choose and why did you choose that person?
Will you join us for 40 days of praying and fasting? What will you fast from?
Biblical fasting is used at times to show repentance, express grief, seek answers and draw closer to God. Which area will you emphasize during this fasting period?
Choose one person to pray for over the next 40 days. Who is that person and why did you choose them?

Nehemiah is a story of a God who cares about people. It’s also a story of a man who relies on God and changes people’s lives. If you care, it starts by asking and listening. Where is God taking your heart?
In verse 2 Nehemiah’s asking about people 800 miles away that he's never met. What city is 800 miles away from me and how much do I care about people in that city? Asking is key to finding out what is going on even in the lives of those around me. Another thought I have is in verse 3. They are experiencing trouble (disaster, harm, evil) and disgrace (scorn, taunts, shame). It sounds like the world has always been a mess. Then in verse 4, Nehemiah's response is amazing. He cries, fasts, and prays. What moves me to do the same?
S cripture :
Nehemiah 1:1-4
O bservation :
Ask - I need to start by asking, looking, listening to the hurts and struggles of those around me
Fast - I will join Vaughn Park Church in a 40 day fast
Pray - I will join Vaughn Park Church in 40 days of prayer together.