We build with God

In this chapter, we read about the people building side-by-side leaving no hole in the wall. This might be considered the most boring chapter in Nehemiah, but the principle is critical! While reading this chapter remind yourself that in the previous chapter (verse 20), they are building with God. The people in chapter 3 were not just workers but mission-minded people.

Have you ever read Nehemiah 3 and made it through the entire chapter?

The people building were from Jericho, the plains, Gibeon, Mizpah, Tekoa, outside the territory, and other places. Where were you born? Where were you raised? How many places have you lived? Do you think there is significance to where you are right now? Has God placed you there for a reason??

The people building were priests, Levites, temple servants, guards, merchants, goldsmiths, perfume makers, rulers, and a cupbearer. Which one makes the most sense to a wall builder? Which one makes the least sense? Name all the jobs you’ve ever had. What’s the oddest job you ever had? How did God use your occupation to glorify Him and help others?

Think about a time you learned something by working with someone or a time you wished you had help.

What would heappen if someone didn’t build their part of the wall? What would happen to the church if you didn’t use your gifts and do your part? Read Nehemiah 2:17-18.

Name someone you know whom you admire for their gift and hard work.

Read Nehemiah 4:6 and Romans 12:4-8. Why is the heart so important when using your gifts?

What is your role in God’s kingdom?

In verse 1, I find it interesting that the High Priest seems to take the lead in rebuilding, and again in verse 20. Also, I wonder why the nobles of Tekoa would not work in verse 5. Were they too important? Were there personality conflicts? Or did they not want to get their hands dirty?

Now in verse 12, Shallum was smart. He figured out a way to get the young men around the building next to them :) The next section of the wall in verse 13 repaired 1,500 feet of wall. That’s a lot of work!

S cripture :

Nehemiah 3

O bservation :

It’s interesting to see who builds and the few who don’t. The builders are perfume makers, goldsmiths, and cup bearers. These are not professional builders. God will help you. You just need a willing heart to help.

A pplication :

P rayer :

God, use me. All I need is you!