Are we done? NO! The leading of the Spirit continues - with celebration
Can you name the 8 words we emphasized in the Nehemiah series?
Which one do you find the easiest to do? Which one is the hardest for you?
In Nehemiah 8:1-3, the people listened to the Book of Law from daybreak to noon. How is it possible to listen for that long? What does it say about their heart and desire to know God’s Word?
What comes to mind when you hear the word “holy”? What about a holy day? Does it surprise you that this holy day is about celebration and joy? If it does, what might that tell you about your understanding of God?
Are you helping to build?
What are your gifts and how are you using them?
Take some time to rejoice in the Lord. How has he blessed you?
Take some time to thank the Lord for people. Who in your life has been a joy to you?

S cripture :
Nehemiah 6-8
O bservation :
6:3 - He considered the wall a great work. It’s important for people to consider their gifts and ministry as “great” because you are working for the Lord.
6:11 - Should someone in my position run from danger? YES always run from danger! Just kidding. No. Keep leading because others are following and/or watching.
7:1 - Understand the need for doors and gatekeepers for safety, but singers? We undervalue worship.
8:2-3, 6 - Reading God’s Word produced praise.
8:9 - What does a holy day look like? Verse 10 says a celebration, joy. Verse 12 says BECAUSE heard God’s Word and understood it.
A pplication :
Where is my place on the wall of God’s kingdom? Pray about my gifts and how I am using them.
Take time to worship. It’s important.
Take time to read God’s Word. That is where I will find my strength, joy, celebration.
Psalm 100 adapted
I shout with joy to you LORD, along with all the earth! I worship you LORD with gladness. I come before you, singing with joy. I acknowledge that you are God! You made me, and I am yours. I am your child, sheep of your pasture. I enter your gates with thanksgiving; go into your courts with praise. I give thanks to you and praise your name. For you are good. Your unfailing love continues forever, and your faithfulness continues to each generation.