God is the one who can…

Nehemiah’s prayer focus is praise, confession, claiming God’s promises, and a specific request.

Prayer: fasting

Share with someone what you are fasting from and why.

Prayer: praising

Share characteristics of God that are amazing. Nehemiah used these words




to describe God. How many can you name? This is called PRAISE.

Prayer: confessing

Why is it hard to confess sin to God?

Why is it hard to confess sin to others?

Prayer: requesting

How many promises of God can you name? See if you can name all 7000

Just kidding

What specific request are you making right now for your church?

What is the biggest request you could make?

What specific request are you personally making right now?

S cripture :

Nehemiah 1:5-11

O bservation :

In verse 5 Nehemiah’s prayer starts with praise. I don’t often do that. Another thought I have is in verses 6-7. Why did Nehemiah confess? Wasn’t he 800 miles away from the problem? What could he do about it? He realized God’s plan wasn’t done so he was as guilty as everyone. Then in verses 8-9, Nehemiah uses God’s own promises to make a request. How many of God’s promises do I know? My last thought is I like how he specifically says “today”.

A pplication :

Vs 5 - Praise God before requesting this week

6-7 - Take time to confess and be specific

8-9 - Search for God’s promises so I can know them

10-11 - Spend time with God asking to be led by his Spirit to a specific opportunity where I can glorify him

P rayer :

Father, I surrender. Lead me outside of myself and give me an opportunity to help someone today.