Various passages from chapters 2-6 focused on problems.

The key to problems we face is

We will face challenges both internally and externally, but our focus is on God and His mission.


Which of Nehemiah’s challenges do you think you would have struggled with the most?

  • (2:19) Laughed at and mocked?

  • (4:1;7) Anger?

  • (4:8) Possible attack (verbal included)?

  • (2:19, 6:6, 6:17-19) Disgrace, intimidation?

  • (6:10-13) Trap?

  • (4:11, 6:2) Life threats?

What do you think are some of Satan’s greatest weapons?

(4:2) How can worship help us in our problems, struggles, and challenges?

(5:9)Why is our ‘witness’ to those on the ‘outside’ so important? How does that relate to internal problems?

Discuss and explain

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

(2:19) Do you ever question your own motives?

Are they selfish or Godly?

(4:10-11) Which are you struggling with right now and why?

  • (4:10) Workers are tired —— Lost strength

  • (4:10) Looking at rubble —— Lost vision

  • (4:10) We will never… —— Lost confidence

  • (4:11) Enemy is coming —— Lost security

(5:1) Why are conflicts with those in the church so painful?

What is one of your favorite worship songs and why?

S cripture :

Nehemiah 4-5

Summery of attacks on Nehemiah

Laughed and Mocked (2:19)

Angry (4:1,7)

Disgrace, Intimidate (2:19, 6:6, 17-19)

Attack (4:8)

Trap (6:10-13)

Kill 4:11, 6:2)

In chapter 4 verse 2, the Jews were called weak and unable. I referred to 1 John 4:4 which says that we are from God and the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 that says when I am weak then I am strong because Christ’s power rests in me. Also in this verse, their devotion is challenged. The New Living Translation describes the taunt as “just offering a few sacrifices”. There is power in worship!

In chapter 4 verse 10, their faith is tested. It’s harder when tired, only seeing the mess and not wanting to continue. They are looking down instead of up.

Then in chapter 5 verse 1, they are fighting amongst themselves. Nehemiah’s response in verses 7-9 is interesting. He says they are hurting their family (God’s people) and that they should walk in the fear of God and treat each other better. Those outside of God are watching and viewing God as they see you.

O bservation :

A pplication :

For each problem, Nehemiah looks up and finds the answer in God. I think it is time to worship.

Research the story behind the song, “I Raise a Hallelujah”.

I often sing Big Daddy Weave’s song, “I’m Overwhelmed” and think “Yes, I’m Overwhelmed!” BUT the song continues, “I’m overwhelmed by you”. Look up instead of down!

P rayer :

God, Lord, Creator, Re-creator, Father and Friend. There is no one like you. I praise you in the storm and trust you. I’m overwhelmed - by you.