Various passages from chapters 2-6 focus on how Nehemiah keeps bringing God into the situation. We get a reminder that God is in charge.
Share someone you are thankful for and why
Share something you are thankful for and why.
Why do words hurt more than “sticks and stones”? (4:3)
Have you ever used hurtful words? How should that change your willingness to forgive others? (4:4)
How is Satan attacking you right now? (4:8)
How and why does prayer change our burdens? (4:9)
Give God the credit for something good that happened last week. (4:14-15)
Who do you know that needs help right now? Answer the trumpet call. (4:19-20)

“The church will be led by the Spirit…”
Verse 2 of chapter four reminds me to make something useful out of what’s broken - like me. Unfortunately, there are always people who want to keep you broken. Taking a look at verse 14, I wonder what causes fear and what causes a lack of remembering God. In verse 20 it talks about “God fighting for us”. That’s such a cool thought. God and prayer are mentioned four times and keeping armed guards are mentioned six times. God is our power, but we are called into action.
S cripture :
Nehemiah 1:1-4
O bservation :
Verse 2 - Give thanks for God’s healing and salvation.
Verse 14 - Create a visual to remind me about God.
Where am I called to fight?