John Chapter 15


  • 15 You are my friends

    What is the difference between a servant and a friend?

    Servant – "not have big picture of what master is doing, not ask questions, unthinking responses

           Does the assigned piece of work

    Friend – knows what is up to and why

           Doesn’t mean buddy or casual acquaintance but confidant – share intents, help plan,

           Invest in his dreams and anxieties (imagine that)

    ·       Which do you want?  Really?  Look at our prayers

    I’d rather be a servant

    ·       go through motions,

    ·       finish the clearly defined day, go home,

    ·       not worry about it at all

    The other is burdensome, be there with him through it all)

    ironically, Jesus asks us to

    ·       become slaves/servants to our neighbor

    ·       relationship with Him is an invitation to be friends, partners


  INVEST in the friendship


Father and Friend, give me focus to fulfill my purpose - to stay connected to you. Let’s walk together

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter 16


John Chapter 14