John Chapter 14


  • Reading from the Message

    1 don’t let this rattle you à trust me

    8 funny verse – If I could have God appear to you right now, do you think that would be enough?  No, I’d like to see more???

    10 I feel the same way when I preach – the Spirit “who resides in me crafts each word into a divine act.”

    12 How can I do greater works?  What is the measurement?  Jesus died and planted but we get to experience the fruit of what He did

    13 “in my name” = who I am and what I’m doing

    16 another “friend”

    17 the world can’t receive – they don’t have the eyes to see him and don’t know what to look for

    19 You are about to come alive

    21 What comes to mind when you hear the word “commands”?  how about love God and others

    28 “if you loved me, you would be glad that I’m on my way to the Father because the Father is the goal and purpose of my life.”


  1.        1 Am I rattled or trusting?

  2.       16 grow my ‘friendship’ with the Spirit


Father and Friend.  Friend doesn’t seem the right word, but that is what you call us, Jesus.  But I also want to grow in my ‘friendship’ with the Spirit.  Spirit, would you draw closer to me?  Help me see how to draw closer to you?

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter 15


John Chapter 13