John Chapter Four


  •   1,3 Pharisees heard SO he left

    • How sad, how scary

  • 10 if you only knew God’s gift for you – most of us don’t

    • If only knew Him – and you are speaking to Him

    • What is implied by ‘living’

  • 13 world – constant thirst – am I? or satisfied?

    • 14 NEVER thirst again – so why am I thirsty?  It’s me

    • Should be bubbling inside, Spring = source

  • 34 my nourishment – is it mine?  

    • Doing will of God

    • Finishing his work

  • 39 believed because of what was said

    • 41 heard and believed

    • 45 saw what he did

    • 48 only believe if see?

    • 50 believed after hearing

    • 53 believed after seeing (and hearing)


  • Know God’s gift and know Him

    • So it bubbles inside

  • Then come and see what I have found

  • Finish my work from God


I want to keep seeking you and finding/knowing more of you.  Help me to see your gifts and share them with others.

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter Five


John Chapter Three