John Chapter Two

This week I would like to share some great thoughts from Tiffany. -Tim


  1. Jesus' mother approached him with a "need" (Some may say wine is not a need). It may seem insignificant, or selfish to some, but she took it to Jesus anyway. 

  2. Jesus meets the need in an unexpected way.

  3. The servants were obedient. It was in their going - obedience- the miracle was birthed


  1. Be obedient to God even when it doesn't make sense to me.

  2. Take all of my needs to Jesus - NO need is too big or too small. Trust that Jesus will respond in His great wisdom.


Jesus, you are amazing! You are so good! I am in awe of You! You know. You care. You are willing. You are able to meet my needs. Open my heart to receive your love and this wonderful truth about who you are. Help me to trust You. Help me to be obedient to you even when it goes against what I may naturally do - when it doesn't make sense. Give me the grace to follow you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter Three


John Chapter One