John Chapter 19


·        6 ‘take him yourselves and crucify him’ – many have

·        12 Irony – they hated Caesar

·        14 noon – 6th hour – Mk 3rd hour ???

   Jewish vs Roman hours?

·        15 more irony – no king but Caesar

·        20 so everybody could read, ‘king of Jews’

o   3 languages -Latin = official/legal Roman language, Greek = universal language, Hewbrew = Jewish language

o   Everybody needs to know he is king

·        28 fulfilled Scripture Ps69.21 – smallest details

·        35 I write so you can believe or continue to believe

  I want to continue that journey


·         What will I do with Jesus?

·         What in my life is ironic b/c of what I believe?

·         Continue to believe, increase my faith


Be my King. Be my Lord. I surrender to your will. I am yours.

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter 20


John Chapter 18