John Chapter 12


  • 2 Martha is always serving

  • 3 Mary is always at the feet of Jesus

    • Luke 10:39 – to listen to his teaching = learning

    • John 11:32 – indicate her dependence = weeping

    • John 12:3 - expressing her devotion = serving

      ·  = natural progression? 

  • 27 His heart is troubled (Message says, “I am shaken”

    • Helps me realize that feeling shaken, worried, troubled is a part of life, even for Jesus

  • 38 “Who has recognized God’s arm (power)?” I want to


  1. I need to spend some time at the feet of Jesus- listening, weeping and serving

  2. I want to recognize where I see God working


Today Lord, I want to spend today seeing you, recognizing you, hearing you and especially thanking you.

Now it’s your turn. Share what God put on your heart this week…


John Chapter 13


John Chapter 11