A dive into the Bible and how it relates to you personally

·         “…breaking it down and changing not necessarily the reason I read, but the way I read has been exactly what I needed.  I read because I want to follow Jesus.”  KH

It's easy to say, "Listen to God" or "Pray and wait for God's answer", but HOW can that be done?  I want to hear what God has to say!  I want to hear him speak to me - but I'm not sure I know how.

Tim's answer: S.O.A.P.

S - Scriptures - get in the word and read what God says.  Highlight key passages.
O - Observe - how does what I read relate to me?
A - Application - Apply what I've read and found to relate to me, to my life.
P - Prayer - Pray that what I've read will indeed become a part of my life.

I want my life transformed for God!  I have decided to attempt this idea of learning what God has to say to me!


Hosted by Tim Rine

A Jesus follower passionate about knowing Him and following Him